
Returns the coordinates of the image frame of the selected imported image. (Select only one image at a time.)

Query results

long xLeftDC;
x coordinate, in device coordinates, of left edge of image frame in twips
long yTopDC;
y coordinate, in device coordinates, of top edge of image frame in twips
long xRightDC;
x coordinate, in device coordinates, of right edge of image frame in twips
long yBottomDC;
y coordinate, in device coordinates, of bottom edge of image frame in twips
Device coordinates. PageMaker uses the device coordinates specified in the image.

Single object only. If multiple objects are selected, PageMaker returns an error.

Imported images only. Use this query for imported images only. If you select an image drawn in PageMaker and then use this query, PageMaker returns an error.


PGetImageFrame theFrame;
long width = theFrame.xRightDC - theFrame.xLeftDC;
long height = theFrame.yBottomDC - theFrame.yTopDC;

See also

The PGetCropRect query

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